What is the best way to adjust the Material Drawer width in Reactjs to match the width of its children?

Currently, I am utilizing the Material-ui Drawer component to toggle the display of content on the right side of the screen. The functionality I am aiming for is that when the Drawer opens, it will shrink the existing content on the right without any overlap. At the moment, I have set the width of the drawer using a variable and this setup is functioning properly. However, I now need to dynamically update the width of the drawer based on the width value of its child components.

Below is the code snippet featuring the Drawer component:

import { useState } from "react";

// Importing Material UI components
import { Box, Button, Drawer, Divider, Grid, IconButton } from "@mui/material";

// Additional Components
import DashboardHeader from "./DashboardHeader/DashboardHeader";
import LeadershipProfile from "./LeadershipProfile/LeadershipProfile";
import YourProfile from "./YourProfile/YourProfile";
import CustomIcon from "components/CustomIcon";
import icons from "enums/icons";

import { Theme } from "@mui/material/styles";
import makeStyles from "@mui/styles/makeStyles";
import createStyles from "@mui/styles/createStyles";

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme) =>
        leftSideContainer: {
            display: "contents",
            overflow: "auto",
            textAlign: "center",
        drawer: {
            top: theme.spacing(9),
            "& .MuiDrawer-paper": {
                // width: "30%",
                marginTop: "72px",
                position: "absolute",
        drawerButton: {
            color: theme.palette.button.active.from,
            height: "14px",
        // divider: {
        //     "& .MuiDivider-root": {
        //         right: 0,
        //     },
        // },

const PaceLabsDashboard = () => {
    const classes = useStyles();

    const [isDrawerOpen, setIsDrawerOpen] = useState(true);
    const drawerContentWidth = 400;

    return (
            {/* Header */}
            <Box sx={{ border: "2px solid black", width: "100%", height: "72px", textAlign: "center" }}>
                <DashboardHeader />

            <Box sx={{ display: "flex" }}>
                {/* Right content */}
                <Box className={classes.leftSideContainer}>
                    <LeadershipProfile />

                    <IconButton size="small" aria-label="toggle-drawer" onClick={() => setIsDrawerOpen(!isDrawerOpen)}>
                            icon={isDrawerOpen ? icons.chevronRightThin : icons.chevronLeftThin}

                {/* Left content */}
                    ...(isDrawerOpen ? { display: "flex" } : { display: { xs: "block", sm: "none" } }),
                        <YourProfile />

export default PaceLabsDashboard;

Answer №1

  display: { xs: 'block', sm: 'none' },
  '& .MuiDrawer-paper': {
    boxSizing: 'border-box',
    width: drawerWidth

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