Issue with Internet Explorer's CSS

It appears that this page is not displaying correctly in Internet Explorer 9, along with possibly older versions as well. The issue seems to be with the right menu floating to the bottom of the page. Firefox, Chrome, and Safari are all rendering it correctly without any problems. Other pages on the blog are also showing up fine on all browsers. I've already attempted to use IE 9 Developer Tools (F12) to adjust the width of certain divs like #main and .columns-inner, but even with adjustments, the right menu continues to display at the bottom. It seems like the problem lies within the auto-generated tags and CSS provided by Blogger for the page content, which I do have the ability to edit. Any CSS experts out there who can help identify what's causing this issue?


Answer №1

One particular line in the <head> section of your code is causing IE9 to display the page in IE7 mode:

<META content=IE=EmulateIE7 http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible>

If you get rid of this line, the page will render properly in IE8 and IE9, but may still have issues in IE7.


After looking into the problem further, I noticed that a specific script file is affecting the opacity of certain elements:

To fix this issue in IE9, remove

<meta content='IE=EmulateIE7' http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'/>
from line 4 of the source code, and delete the ieretrofit.js file referenced on line 1471. These changes should ensure proper rendering in IE9.

Since the ieretrofit.js file seems to be created by Google, it might be best to reach out to them for assistance. If you prefer to disable it only for IE9 while keeping it for IE8 and below, focus on line 1471 of the source code. Here's a snippet (starting at character #2275):

'\74!--[if IE]\76\74script

The !--[if IE] portion is part of an IE conditional comment. To target IE8 and earlier without affecting IE9, modify the snippet like this:

'\74!--[if lte IE 8]\76\74script

If you encounter any more issues, feel free to let me know!

Answer №3

Chances are, the issue lies in the invalidity of the page. It might be beneficial to consider a fresh start due to the excessive complexity of the markup.

Answer №4

Hey everyone, I finally cracked the code (thanks to andyb and Paul D for their assistance)! After some investigation, I discovered a few unpaired </div> tags that were causing issues. Now everything is running smoothly.

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