What is the reason for the non-standard XML formatting of the content within the HTML style element

I just started learning HTML, but I am already familiar with XML. It seems strange to me that an HTML style element is structured like this.

<style type="text/css">
    .style1 { width: 250px; }
    .style2 { width: 20px; }

Instead of the current format, I would have expected a more XML-friendly approach. For instance, something like this:

<style type="text/css">
    <style1 width="250px"/>
    <style2 width="25px"/>

In my opinion, the latter would be easily parsed by the XML parser, while the former would require custom parsing code. This departure from the usual practice makes me wonder if there is a valid reason behind it.



Answer №1

While CSS and XHTML may seem similar, they actually serve very different purposes. XHTML is primarily used for content embedding, while CSS is a separate language designed specifically for styling web pages. Think of it like JavaScript being embedded in an XML document.

Using XML instead of CSS can lead to issues with DTD and result in verbose code, whereas CSS offers simplicity and ease of use.

If you're interested in learning more about the history of CSS, check out this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets#History

Answer №2

The reason for this is primarily due to its existence before XML was introduced. For more details, refer to section in Håkon Wium Lie's thesis:

Answer №3

The streamlined and expressive nature of CSS makes it a preferred choice over XML-based languages for styling. With CSS, handling multiple selectors within a single rule is far more efficient and user-friendly compared to the cumbersome process in XML. Attempting to replicate this functionality in XML would involve clunky workarounds that detract from the simplicity of CSS.

Answer №4

When considering this scenario

<style type="text/css>
    .style1 { max-width: 300px; }
    .style2 { max-width: 30px; }

The CSS rules define the appearance of elements within a webpage. It is important to note that CSS stands apart from HTML in its function.

Answer №5

Contrary to XML syntax, CSS stands as a distinct language with its own set of rules. It's important to note that CSS parsers are not the same as XML parsers, requiring different treatment when embedding JavaScript and CSS in XHTML documents by enclosing them in a CDATA section. Additionally, CSS can also be encapsulated within XML comments due to its lack of non-XML compliant characters, unlike JavaScript.

If you're interested in delving deeper into this topic, I recommend checking out this informative article: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Properly_Using_CSS_and_JavaScript_in_XHTML_Documents

Answer №6

From my understanding,

In the early days, styling was intended to be controlled by the user through their browser rather than dictated by web developers. This is why a different syntax for styling made sense, as users didn't necessarily have to learn HTML in any case.

The concept of separating document structure from layout has been a key objective of HTML since its inception in 1990. Tim Berners-Lee designed his NeXT browser/editor with the ability to define styles using a simple style sheet. However, he chose not to publish the syntax for these style sheets, believing it was up to each individual browser to determine the best way to display pages to its users.

For more information, visit this link.

Further reading: Understanding the distinctions between default, user, and author style sheets.

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