What is the best way to create grid designs using less in bootstrap?

When using Bootstrap without a preprocessor, we include classes directly into our opening tags like this:

<div id="El" class="col-md-1"></div>

Personally, I usually work with Bourbon Neat and Sass. With Sass, I can import mixins in the rules for my elements. This allows me to do things like this:

  @import span-column(6)

While looking at the Less documentation for Bootstrap here: , it seems that there are no mixins available for Bootstrap's grid system. They offer convenience mixins for vendor prefixes, transitions, gradients, and other features, but not specifically for their grid system.

So, I have a couple of questions:

How can I use Less to define my grid using Bootstrap?

Also, if I decide to go ahead with this approach, am I going against the intended use of the tool? If the method of using the Less version of Bootstrap in this way is not documented, maybe there is a valid reason. It could be that the Less version of Bootstrap is not meant to be utilized in this manner, and I should consider using alternative tools instead.

Answer №1

To achieve this, consider writing fewer lines of code. An excellent resource for learning about simplifying your CSS is available on the Less website: www.lesscss.org.

For your specific situation, follow these steps:

@import 'bootstrap/bootstrap.less';
@import 'bootstrap/theme.less';

#El {

Next, compile this file using lessc. As a result, your #El element will mimic the behavior of a .col-md-1.

Keep in mind that Bootstrap is primarily designed to be used with its predefined CSS classes, and utilizing their Less files may not be the most conventional approach. However, if you are comfortable with both Bootstrap and Less, it should not pose any significant challenges. For beginners starting out with Bootstrap, it is advisable to stick to using the provided CSS files.

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