Moving the webpage into the realm of mobile and tablet devices

Over the next few weeks, I will be working on transitioning my website content to have both a mobile and tablet version. During this process, I have some questions:

  1. What is the best way to redirect users to the correct site based on their device/browser? Should I use PHP to detect the browser type or is there another method? While I have looked into responsive CSS grids for different devices/resolutions, I am not ready to fully switch over yet. Therefore, I am considering having a simplified version of my current site through redirection or another approach.

  2. How should hover/mouseover effects be handled in the mobile and tablet versions?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Update: I found a solution for question #1 here: - it seems like a perfect fit for my needs.

Answer №1

  1. To properly redirect users based on their user agent, you can utilize PHP and access the $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] variable. Utilizing server side detection is considered the most reliable method for redirection. In addition, considering implementing a responsive style sheet may be beneficial for adjusting layout display based on screen size.

  2. It's important to note that touch devices do not have a hover state. While it is possible to create hover-like effects using Javascript onTouch events, the functionality is limited to being either 'on' or 'off' when a user interacts with elements like anchors on touchscreens.

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