CSS responsive design: concealing elements does not prevent the page from being displayed

Imagine a scenario where I need to display a template in two different versions based on the user's device.

For instance, I have utilized the following code:

<div class="desktop">
    Hi Desktop user

<div class="mobile">
    Hi mobile

While this setup works fine with media queries, I discovered that using JavaScript, $('body') actually retrieves both objects. Even though the element is hidden due to .desktop being set to display:none on mobile devices, it appears that the HTML elements are still rendered. In light of this, would it still be considered good practice to continue implementing this method?

Answer №1

In my opinion, it's not ideal practice. Having two elements on a page can cause rendering issues for the browser, regardless of whether the element is visible or not. Using a media query in CSS can accomplish the same result with more efficiency by targeting one element. Alternatively, utilizing server-side logic to determine which template to display based on the device type (mobile or desktop) can also improve performance.

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