What is the reason behind opting for ng-style over style in AngularJS for applying CSS formatting?

Recently, I've delved into AngularJS and have been exploring its depths for a few days now.

I'm curious about the use of ng-style in styling components within both static and dynamic webpages. Given that we already have the traditional style tag for this purpose, I wonder what specific advantages ng-style brings to the table when it comes to styling in AngularJS. Any insights on this would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

The main distinction between style and ng-style is that ng-style associates an expression.

This implies that the expression will be interpreted as Angular code. For instance:

span {
  color: black;
 <script src="//code.angularjs.org/snapshot/angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app="">
  <button ng-click="myStyle={color:'red'}">Set color</button>
  <button ng-click="myStyle={'background-color':'blue'}">Set background</button>
  <span ng-style="myStyle">Set my style with ngStyle!</span>

ng-style="myStyle" will search for $scope.myStyle in your controller and connect its contents to the style.

Answer №2

In simple terms:


The distinction lies in the fact that while style allows direct styling of an element using its attribute, if you require dynamic changes like altering styles based on specific conditions, you would need to employ JavaScript. This is where ng-style becomes useful in the realm of AngularJS.

ng-style enables you to manipulate or define the style of an element using JavaScript as per your requirements at any given time.


Check out this demo showcasing the usage of both methods (or refer below)

In your code snippet.

<div style="background: red"> this is styled via the style property</div>

<div ng-style="getStyle('111111')"> styled with ng-style</div> 

In your Angular controller.

getStyle = function(colour) {
    return {"background": "#" + colour};

In the example above, the getStyle function allows passing a color value which the ng-style directive then binds to the DOM element. This can be further customized for various interactive functionalities like changing colors on button click or hover events.

Answer №3

According to @Mistalis, the ng-style directive binds an expression.

For instance, when we need to dynamically set the width or height, we can use ng-style.

What is the difference between ng-class and ng-style?

var app = angular.module('exApp', []);
app.controller('ctrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.sty = 40;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.4.8/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="exApp" ng-controller="ctrl">
  <button ng-click="sty=sty+10">Click Me +</button>
  <button ng-click="sty=sty-10">Click Me -</button>
  <br/> <br/>
  <div ng-style="{background:'#789',height:sty + 'px', width:sty + 'px'}">See Now</div>
  <p>Size: {{sty}}</p>

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