Ways to initiate animation using CSS when the page loads

Is there a way to initialize the counter on page load? Even though I was successful in making it start on hover, I couldn't figure out how to make it work when the page loads.

Here is the JavaScript code:

var root = document.querySelector(':root');
var rootStyles = getComputedStyle(root);
var start= rootStyles.getPropertyValue('--start');
var finish= rootStyles.getPropertyValue('--finish');
//function that provides data for these values
root.style.setProperty('--start', +storedelo-300);
root.style.setProperty('--finish', +storedelo);

And here is the CSS code:

:root {
    --start: 0;
    --finish: 0; 
@property --num {
    syntax: "<integer>";
    initial-value: 0;
    inherits: false;
 div {
   transition: --num 5s;
   --num: var(--start);
   counter-set: num var(--num);
 div::after {
   content: counter(num);
 div::hover {
   --num: var(--finish);

Additionally, the @keyframes rule seems to not be working properly for some reason:

@keyframes counter {
  from {
    --num: var(--start);
  to {
    --num: var(--finish);

Answer №1

To ensure that the initial CSS variables values are set correctly, consider creating a function for this purpose. This function can be invoked on either the DOMContentLoaded event of the window (MDN documentation) or the load event of the window (MDN Documentation).

var root = document.querySelector(":root");
var rootStyles = getComputedStyle(root);
var start = rootStyles.getPropertyValue("--start");
var finish = rootStyles.getPropertyValue("--finish");

function updateCounterValues() {
  root.style.setProperty("--start", +storedelo - 300);
  root.style.setProperty("--finish", +storedelo);

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (event) => {

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