What is the reason behind Bootstrap's decision to employ '!important' for its responsive classes?

It's interesting that Bootstrap responsive utilities utilize !important, a practice that I find puzzling. Unlike col-xx-xx, they do not follow the same inheritance pattern. I'm curious about the rationale behind including !important in these classes. I've heard it mentioned that it relates to specificity, but I'd like to understand what that entails. Furthermore, the show and hide classes also employ !important. Why is this necessary?

Answer №1

Although the use of !important is typically discouraged due to the complexities it introduces, I believe there is a valid justification for its implementation in the responsive utilities used by TB.

For instance, suppose you need a button to remain hidden on small displays and apply the hidden-sm class to achieve this. Without using !important, adding the .btn-block class to make the button block-level on other display sizes could inadvertently cause it to reappear on small displays since setting display back to block overrides the previous hidden property. This conflict arises from the equal specificity of .hidden-sm and .btn-block in CSS cascade rules.

In such scenarios, the inclusion of !important becomes necessary to ensure accurate rendering and prevent unexpected behavior. Nonetheless, your skepticism towards its usage is justified as !important should always be considered a last resort!

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