There seems to be an issue with Affix functionality in Bootstrap 4 (alpha version)

As detailed in the Bootstrap 3 documentation, I have included the following attributes in a navbar:

<nav class="navbar no-margin-bottom" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="90" >

Unfortunately, when scrolling down the page with Bootstrap 4, the affix class is not being added to the navbar. Can someone provide guidance on how to resolve this issue? Both Bootstrap.js and jQuery.js are functional.

Answer №1

While Bootstrap has removed the affix feature in version 4, you can still accomplish the same effect using this jQuery snippet:

$(window).on('scroll', function(event) {
    var scrollAmount = $(window).scrollTop();
    if (scrollAmount == settings.scrollTopPx || scrollAmount > 70) {

Answer №2

Update Bootstrap 4

The documentation suggests using the sticky polyfill, but the ScrollPos-Styler recommended does not effectively manage scroll position (an offset can be easily defined).

In my opinion, it is simpler to utilize jQuery to monitor the window scroll and adjust the CSS accordingly to make it fixed...

var toggleAffix = function(affixElement, wrapper, scrollElement) {

    var height = affixElement.outerHeight(),
        top = wrapper.offset().top;

    if (scrollElement.scrollTop() >= top){
    else {


$('[data-toggle="affix"]').each(function() {
    var ele = $(this),
        wrapper = $('<div></div>');

    $(window).on('scroll resize', function() {
        toggleAffix(ele, wrapper, $(this));

    // init
    toggleAffix(ele, wrapper, $(window));

Bootstrap 4 affix (sticky navbar)

EDIT: Another approach is to consider using this version of the 3.x Affix plugin as a substitute in Bootstrap 4.

Related: Animate/Shrink NavBar on scroll using Bootstrap 4

Answer №3

According to the latest bootstrap v4 documentation:

Removed the Affix jQuery plugin. It is now recommended to use a position: sticky polyfill instead. For more information and specific polyfill recommendations, check out HTML5 Please entry.

If your previous use of Affix included applying additional styles beyond just position, some polyfills may not fully support that functionality. One alternative solution in such cases is to consider using the third-party library called ScrollPos-Styler.

Answer №4

Expanding on Anwar Hussain's solution, I achieved success using the following approach:

$(window).on('scroll', function (event) {
    var scrollValue = $(window).scrollTop();
    if (scrollValue > 120) {
    } else{

This code will add the 'affix' class to the navbar when scrolling down, and remove it when scrolling back up. Previously, the applied class would persist even while scrolling back up.

Answer №5

According to Vucko's statement in the Migration documentation, I found the ScrollPos-Styler library to be very useful for my needs.

  1. Start by adding the .js ScrollPos-Styler (scrollPosStyler.js) file to your webpage.
  2. Select the appropriate <div> that you want to make 'sticky'.

<nav class="navbar navbar-toggleable-md">

  1. Apply the sps sps--abv classes.

<nav class="navbar navbar-toggleable-md sps sps--abv">

  1. Include the desired .css styles that will be activated once the element becomes sticky (refer to the demo page).

 * 'Shared Styles' 
.sps {


 * 'Sticky Above' 
 * Define styles to apply
 * Before becoming sticky
.sps--abv {
   padding: 10px;

 * 'Sticky Below' 
 * Additional styles to apply
*  After becoming sticky
.sps--blw {
   padding: 2px;

Answer №6

$(window).on('scroll', function (event) {
    var scrollValue = $(window).scrollTop();
    var offset = $('[data-spy="affix"]').attr('data-offset-top');
    if (scrollValue > offset) {
        var width = $('[data-spy="affix"]').parent().width();
        $('.affix-top').css('width', width);
    } else{

Answer №7

Here is a solution for those seeking to achieve this effect using only pure Javascript:

window.addEventListener('scroll', () => {
    let scrollPos = window.scrollY;
    if (scrollPos > 120) {
    } else {

Answer №8

If you're using Bootstrap 4, there is a dedicated class for this purpose. Simply remove the

data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="90"
attributes and replace them with 'sticky-top'.

For more information, refer to the official documentation.

Answer №9

Despite trying numerous solutions, especially after realizing that affix was no longer included in bootstrap 4, I finally found the perfect fix for achieving sticky elements - utilizing sticky-kit.

This jQuery plugin proved to be incredibly straightforward to implement.

All I had to do was add the code to my project and then specify the element I wanted to stick using:


Answer №10

Implementing a fixed-top class in Bootstrap 4 and utilizing addClass and removeClass.

$(window).on('scroll', function(event) {
    var scrollValue = $(window).scrollTop();
    if ( scrollValue > 70) {

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