The Chevron Down icon is unresponsive within the Semantic Dropdown style

I am currently facing the challenge of switching the semantic UI dropdown icon from Caret Down ('\f0d7') to Chevron Down ('\f078').

Despite following the advice provided in this JSFiddle, I was unsuccessful in achieving the desired outcome.

To demonstrate my predicament, I have shared my sample code on jSFiddle:

.ui.dropdown > .dropdown.icon:before {
    content: '\f0d7';

This snippet is merely for illustration purposes. While changing the icon values at line number 98 works with Caret Up ('\f0d8'), Left ('\f0d9'), and Right ('\f0da'), attempting to update it to ('\f078') results in display issues, showing only a rectangle instead. I am perplexed as to what might be causing this discrepancy.

I would greatly appreciate any insights or recommendations you may have on this matter.

Answer №1

Why not consider using SVG for the content instead?:

    .ui.dropdown > .dropdown.icon:before {
        content: url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns='' width='15' height='21' fill='Blue' stroke='none'><path d='M0,0 6,18 L12,0 L0,0 Z'></path></svg>");

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