What is the process for assigning a CSS class to a div element that is generated by react's render() function?

In React, I am encountering an issue where the css class I want to set on the div returned from render is being removed. This problem even persists when I try nesting another div inside the first one and setting the class on the enclosed div.

Has anyone encountered this before? Here is an example of my code:

var NightComponent = React.createClass({ render: function() { return test ; } });

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue in React?

Answer №1

class should not be used to define classes in React. The correct way is to use className, as mentioned in the React documentation.

Please Note: JSX being JavaScript, it is recommended to avoid using identifiers like class and for as XML attribute names. Instead, React DOM components prefer DOM property names such as className and htmlFor respectively.

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