Error: Definition Already Exists

I'm currently debugging a layout and encountering some peculiar errors. The page is being served as DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict.

The error message looks like this:

  1. ID "OFFICENAME" already defined:

    div class="office" id="officename"

  2. ID "OFFICENAME" originally defined here:

    span id="officename">


  1. NET-enabling start-tag requires SHORTTAG YES

This error appears in the following code snippet:

<br />

If anyone could lend a hand in resolving this issue and providing guidance on proper representation, it would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

  1. identifier should be unique. It is not allowed to have two elements with the same ID attribute. You can either remove one of the IDs or utilize the class attribute instead. Multiple classes can be assigned to a single element, for example:

    class="school schoolname"
  2. In HTML/SGML, the interpretation of / differs from that in XHTML: <foo/bar/ translates to <foo>bar</foo>, while <foo/> is equivalent to <foo></foo>&gt; (this syntax is an outdated feature supported exclusively by W3C validator).
    It seems like you are transmitting XHTML markup as HTML. I recommend using the text/html MIME type along with an HTML5 DOCTYPE instead (this will enhance compatibility, improve validation, and permit the use of />).

    <!DOCTYPE html>

Answer №2

It is important to avoid having multiple elements sharing the same id. Consider changing the id for either the span or div element to a unique value.

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