Can 'fr' units be used in the `calc()` function of CSS?

In this particular scenario, the query arises whether the CSS calc() function extends its support to the fr unit as presented in the below example?

.sample-grid {
    --main-fr: 60fr;
    grid-template-columns: var(--main-fr) 1rem calc(100 - var(--main-fr));

At first glance, my assumption is that it doesn't work with either Firefox or Chrome.

Answer №1

It is important to note that, as per the official specifications, the 'fr' unit does not behave like traditional length units.

Section 7.2.3 of the specs discusses Flexible Lengths: the 'fr' unit

The 'fr' unit represents a fraction of the leftover space in the grid container, making tracks sized with 'fr' units flexible and responsive to available space, similar to flex items in a flex container.

It's worth noting that 'fr' values are unique and cannot be treated as lengths or combined with other unit types in 'calc()' expressions.

emphasis added

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