Discovering the largest element within a group to establish the height for the rest

There is a component mapping card elements that look like this:

The topmost, leftmost card appears to be missing some height compared to others. Is there a way to determine the height of the tallest components and then set the height of the other cards to match it? I tried the following code snippet but it doesn't seem to work, possibly because it lacks access to the actual rendered size:


const [maxHeight, setMaxHeight] = useState<number | undefined>();
  useEffect(() => {
    const cards = document.querySelectorAll(".card");
    cards.forEach((card) => {
      if (maxHeight) {
        if (card.getBoundingClientRect().height > maxHeight) {
  }, []);

  return (
    <div className="grid grid-cols-1 gap-6 px-2 mx-auto md:grid-cols-3">
      { => (
        <Link href={bestPractice.href} key={}>
            style={{ height: maxHeight }}
            className="relative p-6 transition-all ease-in-out border rounded-lg drop-shadow-card duration-120 hover:border-brand-dark border-slate-100 bg-slate-100 hover:scale-105 hover:cursor-pointer dark:border-slate-600 dark:bg-slate-800">
                // base styles independent what type of button it is
                "absolute right-6 rounded-full px-3 py-1 text-xs lg:text-sm",
                // different styles depending on type
                bestPractice.category === "Boost Retention" &&
                  "bg-pink-100 text-pink-500 dark:bg-pink-800 dark:text-pink-200",
                bestPractice.category === "Increase Revenue" &&
                  "bg-blue-100 text-blue-500 dark:bg-blue-800 dark:text-blue-200",
                bestPractice.category === "Understand Users" &&
                  "bg-orange-100 text-orange-500 dark:bg-orange-800 dark:text-orange-200"
            <div className="w-12 h-12">
              <bestPractice.icon className="w-12 h-12 " />
            <h3 className="mt-3 mb-1 text-xl font-bold text-slate-700 dark:text-slate-200">
            <p className="text-sm text-slate-600 dark:text-slate-400">{bestPractice.description}</p>

EDIT: Utilizing server components.

Answer №1

Forget using JS to adjust the height. Let CSS handle it effortlessly for you.

Simply add the block class to your <Link /> element and apply the h-full class to its direct child. Don't forget to remove any inline style declarations as well.

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