Creating a Cross-Fade Effect in easySlider 1.7 using the Jquery Plugin

Want to achieve a cross-fade effect in easySlider 1.7 Jquery Plugin? Check out this tutorial Easy Slider 1.7 for guidance.

Appreciate any help, thanks!

Answer №1

This specific plugin is designed specifically for sliding transitions, meaning that achieving a cross-fade effect would either require risky modifications to the plugin or seeking out an alternative solution. I recently shared a method for manually implementing cross-fading using jQuery in this discussion. Hopefully, you will find it helpful.

Answer №2

Integrate this new plugin code in place of the easyslider code.

(Obtain the code by clicking on the 'Link to js file' at the bottom under 'Modified js file').

Then refer to the examples on the website to customize your preferred fade effect. It's a simple process.

Answer №3

Seek out the following line:

if(!options.vertical) {
                    p = (t*w*-1);
                        { marginLeft: p }, 
                        { queue:false, duration:speed, complete:adjust }

Replace it with:

if(!options.vertical) {
                    p = (t*w*-1);
                        { opacity: 0 }, 
                        { queue:false, duration:'slow', complete:adjust }


Next, locate this line:

if(!options.vertical) {

Modify it to:

if(!options.vertical) {
                        { opacity: 1 }, 
                        { queue:false, duration:'slow'}

I trust that this advice will prove useful.

Answer №4

If you are currently utilizing easySlider1.7, making modifications is quite simple.

To customize the slider, update `marginTop: p` to ` opacity: 1` and `opacity: 0` at lines 133 and 169.

By doing this, the slider will smoothly transition when the vertical option is disabled. Alternatively, you have the flexibility to introduce your own custom option by incorporating two if statements within those lines. This allows for seamless switching between various display options such as vertical, horizontal, and crossfade on demand.

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