Switch the style of a set of thumbnail images when clicked

I am working with a set of thumbnails where one has an "p7_current" class applied, giving it a border, while the rest have an "p7_inactive" class removing the border.

My goal is to have the last clicked thumbnail in a group of 6 to have the "p7_current" class while the others are set to "p7_inactive".

How can I achieve this using jQuery?

<div class="p7_postcard_thumbs">
    <a href="#" target="p7_postcard_iframe"><img src="images/p7_pc1.jpg" class="p7_current" /></a>
    <a href="#" target="p7_postcard_iframe"><img src="images/p7_pc2.jpg" class="p7_inactive" /></a>
    <a href="#" target="p7_postcard_iframe"><img src="images/p7_pc3.jpg" class="p7_inactive" /></a>
    <a href="#" target="p7_postcard_iframe"><img src="images/p7_pc4.jpg" class="p7_inactive" /></a>
    <a href="#" target="p7_postcard_iframe"><img src="images/p7_pc5.jpg" class="p7_inactive" /></a>
    <a href="#" target="p7_postcard_iframe"><img src="images/p7_pc6.jpg" class="p7_inactive" /></a>

Answer №1

$('.photo_gallery_thumbnails img').click(function(event){
    $('.photo_gallery_thumbnails img').removeClass('current inactive').not(this).addClass('inactive');

View jsFiddle demo

Answer №2

If you want to simplify it to just one line, although it may be a bit less readable:

$('.p7_postcard_thumbs img').click(function(e){
    $(this).addClass('p7_current').closest('div').find('img').not(this).attr('class', 'p7_inactive');

​Check out the code in action on JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/lucuma/4jSCM/3/

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