What is the process by which the browser displays pseudo-element selectors?

One thing that's been on my mind is the potential resource cost of using *:after. Would the pseudo element be the primary selector, or would all elements still be processed by the client?

In simpler terms, what impact does *:after have compared to just using * in terms of performance?

[edited. silly example. Sorry about that.]

To clarify, I've been experimenting with creating visuals using only CSS and ended up using many pseudo elements. I'm curious if I could save time by implementing:

*:before {

and its associated resource implications.

Thank you.

Answer №1

Is the pseudo element considered the key selector in this scenario?

Essentially, the subject of the selector is *, indicating that whichever element is matched by * will be responsible for generating the pseudo-element.

The term "key selector" lacks a clear definition when it comes to pseudo-elements, and unlike subject selectors, it's more of an implementation detail. If we were to interpret "key selector" as the "selector representing the box that is rendered," then we could argue that the pseudo-element serves as the key selector. However, without delving into implementation specifics, I refrain from making definitive statements since I am not involved in the implementation process.

In any case, it is reasonable to assume that the browser traverses the DOM and follows these steps for each selected element:

  1. Firstly, attempt to match the element against the selector, disregarding the pseudo-element at this stage (in this instance, *).

  2. If the element matches the selector, try to create a pseudo-element box as a child of this element's box (applicable to generated pseudo-elements like :before and :after) if relevant (certain elements cannot generate pseudo-elements).

  3. Apply styles to the pseudo-element box and render it similarly to other boxes.

The distinction between your two selectors lies in one containing a pseudo-element while the other does not. Since they serve different functions, comparing their performance may not be entirely fair. Nevertheless, both attempt to match any element in the DOM as they share the same catch-all selector *. Hence, barring specific optimizations, the additional overhead with *:after likely stems from generating and rendering the pseudo-element.

Regarding performance considerations, remember that matching an element to * is nearly instantaneous due to its guaranteed match. The real scalability concerns arise when combining it with complex selectors, but even then, the performance impact primarily hinges on the number of elements in the DOM rather than the actual styling rendering—unless dealing with thousands of elements.

In terms of your particular scenario, I would suggest refraining from creating pseudo-elements for every single element. When utilizing CSS for design purposes, aim to narrow down your selector by context to avoid unnecessary box rendering throughout the entire DOM. For instance, if you are exclusively designing within an element identified by a specific ID:

#mycanvas *:after, 
#mycanvas *:before {

Answer №2

Revised Question

I now have a clearer understanding of your query. When you utilize the * selector, it will select all elements, but this may not be precise as it selects everything.. If you prefer, you can utilize something like:

.container *:not(span) {
   color: red;

Alternatively (although this will target all nested elements within .container):

.container * {
   color: red;

View Demo

Original Question

I'm having trouble grasping your inquiry, but both selectors are TOTALLY DISTINCT.. they serve different purposes, I'm unsure if there's a mistake in your question, however utilizing *:after is often paired with content which should be incorporated either :before or :after.

For instance,

*:after {
    content: " <";

See Demo

On the other hand, when you use * .after, it will target elements with the class .after

* .after {
    color: red;

Second Demo

Regarding optimization, I don't believe using * on regular websites poses a significant performance issue. I frequently employ the selector below containing properties such as:

* {
   margin: 0;
   padding: 0;
   -moz-box-sizing: border-box;
   -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
   box-sizing: border-box;

Lastly, there doesn't seem to be a valid reason for utilizing *:after unless you intend to add content using :after for each element.

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