What is the method for creating two separate columns that can scroll independently?

I am faced with a challenge involving a modal that contains two columns. My goal is to make these columns scrollable independently of each other while ensuring the scrollbar remains hidden.

Thus far, I have managed to make the row scrollable with a hidden scrollbar, but achieving the same for the two columns has proven difficult.

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Despite looking at similar questions that have been asked before, none of the solutions provided have been helpful.

How can i make 3 independently scrollable columns

How to create two independently-scrollable columns in a responsive grid?

Hide scroll bar, but while still being able to scroll


The widget in question is part of an App we utilize, making it impossible for me to modify the styles of body, html, or the parent of container-fluid.

Answer №1

I have a solution that may help with your problem. By using the CSS trick of overflow: hidden and adjusting the scrollbar with padding, you can hide the scrollbars. Here is the code:

.col {
  overflow: hidden;

.col-inner {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  overflow-y: scroll;
  padding-right: 30px;
  box-sizing: content-box;

-> View on Codepen.

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