Issue with Photoswipe pswp class Not Getting Properly Cleared Upon Closing Image

My website has a Photoswipe image gallery from . The issue I'm facing is that the CSS class does not reset or clear after closing the gallery for the second time.

For example, when a user opens item 1, the images are loaded into the picture div via AJAX. Clicking on an image from item 1 opens it in Photoswipe with the following class:

class="pswp pswp--supports-fs pswp--open pswp--animate_opacity pswp--notouch pswp--css_animation pswp--svg pswp--animated-in pswp--visible"

After closing the image from item 1, the class resets to:


If the user closes item 1 and then opens item 2, the same class is set when opening an image from item 2. However, upon closing the image from item 2, only the attribute changes to:


but the class remains the same as before, instead of resetting to just "pswp". This causes issues with interaction on the website due to an invisible div/class layer blocking everything else. It's crucial for the class to change back to "pswp."

When populating the picture div using AJAX/JS (an ID is added to the div):

if (i == 0) {
    $('#listing_photos_container').append('<figure itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype=""><a href="' + json[i].image_url + '" itemprop="contentUrl" data-size="512x400" data-index="' + i + '"><img src="' + json[i].image_url + '" height="400" width="600" itemprop="thumbnail" alt="listingPhoto" class="listing-photo"></a></figure>');
} else {
    $('#listing_photos_container').append('<figure itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype="" class="listing-photo-holder"><a href="' + json[i].image_url + '" itemprop="contentUrl" data-size="512x400" data-index="' + i + '"><img src="' + json[i].image_url + '" height="400" width="600" itemprop="thumbnail" alt="listingPhoto" class="listing-photo-holder"></a></figure>');

To clear the photo div using JS/JQuery:


There seems to be a double function call issue when users click on a photo to view fullscreen. The listener function code is triggered twice:

    type: "POST",
    url: '',
    data: {id: id},
    success: function (data) {
        // Code for styling etc.
        // PhotoSwipe initialization and configuration

Answer №1

If you've already resolved this issue, great! But just in case someone else encounters the same problem...

The issue may arise if you inadvertently open the gallery multiple times without properly closing it. It's possible that there are multiple click handlers registered to open the gallery or that the event is triggered twice for some reason.

This problem occurs because the current class name of the pswp element is cached during initialization and then restored on destruction. If a second opening happens without a proper destroy call, _initialClassName will be set as

class="pswp pswp--supports-fs pswp--open pswp--animate_opacity pswp--notouch pswp--css_animation pswp--svg pswp--animated-in pswp--visible"
, which results in the issue you're experiencing.

Check line 776 of photoswipe.js where initialclass is set

_initalClassName = template.className;

Set a breakpoint in your browser to track if this is being called multiple times upon opening.

Inspect the destroy function starting from line 942 onward

destroy: function() {

Put a breakpoint in your browser to ensure it is executed every time the open function is called.


The core issue lies in adding a click handler to open photoswipe when loading images into #listing_photos_container and failing to unbind this handler when closing the popup. Therefore, each time you reopen the popup, a new click handler is added on top of the existing ones.

To resolve this, simply unbind the click handler using $(".picture").off('click'); within your closeListing() function.

Answer №2

One easy solution is to add .off('click') before each .on('click').

For instance:

$('button#submit-form').off('click').on('click', function() {
    // submit form logic goes here

Answer №3

I encountered a similar issue where defining lightBox as a global variable solved the problem. Make sure to set it to null when destroying it. Additionally, before initializing lightBox in any function, check if it has already been defined and if so, exit the function early.

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