What is the challenge I am facing with my CSS code?

When viewing My JSFiddler at http://jsfiddle.net/7mfj7/2/, you may notice that the "Change Picture" text appears directly on the image for the first time. However, if you hover over the image and then move away, it works fine.

Is there a way to hide the "Change Picture" text initially and have it only display on mouse over?

Answer №1

Insert the following code snippet at the beginning of your $(function () {:

$('.comment').css({ "top": '400px' });

Here is a link to a live example on JSFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/abc123/4/

Answer №2

Include the following CSS style:

  position: absolute;
  top: 400px;

Answer №3

When styling the .feedback element in CSS:

position: absolute;
top: 400px;

This will ensure that it appears in its final position even after user interaction.

Answer №5

Instead of using child and parent to target elements within the jquery function, consider wrapping each element in its own div. For example, placing the text in one div and the image in another. This approach will make it easier to manipulate individual elements with jquery and apply styles more effectively.

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