Customizing Material-UI Select Styles

I have been attempting to customize the appearance of Material-UI's <Select> component with variant="outlined". In this particular scenario, my objective is to hide the dropdown icon and set padding-right to 0px.

Based on my interpretation of the API documentation, it seems like I should be able to override the default styles by providing

classes={{ icon: classes.hideIcon, outlined: classes.noPaddingRight }}
, where classes is defined as follows:

const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
  hideIcon: {
    display: "none"
  noPaddingRight: {
    paddingRight: "0px"
const classes = useStyles();

Despite successfully hiding the icon, I'm facing issues with my noPaddingRight class being overridden by both

(I'm also unsure about the significance of the . in those class names):

To address this problem, I resorted to using paddingRight: 0px !important which is not an ideal solution for me.

You can access the corresponding CodeSandbox via this link:

Answer №1

To target the className MuiSelect-outlined, you can utilize nesting selectors.

hideIconPadding: {
  "& .MuiSelect-outlined": {
    paddingRight: "0px"

Make sure to include the className like this:


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