Personalized element IDs and unique CSS styles

After editing the code snippet below...

<div id="rt-utility"><div class="rt-block fp-roksprocket-grids-utility title5 jmoddiv">

I applied the changes in my custom.css file like this:

#rt-utility .rt-block {CODE HERE}

However, when attempting to modify...

<div id="rt-sideslider-overlay"><header id="rt-header-surround">


#rt-sideslider-overlay .header-rt-header-surround {CODE HERE}

The modification did not take effect. Could this be due to it being a header id instead of a div id??

Answer №1

Simply employ this code:

#rt-header-surround {}

Answer №2

Small error spotted:


#rt-sideslider-overlay .header-rt-header-surround {CODE HERE}


#rt-sideslider-overlay header#rt-header-surround {CODE HERE}

as the element selector is simply


for more information on CSS selectors, visit:

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