The issue with Angular 2's Parameterised router link component not fully refreshing

I'm trying to figure out how to show a set of images when I click on a specific menu item. The menu structure looks like this:

<ul id="demo23" class="collapse">
        <a [routerLink]="['image-gallery','Picasso']">Picasso</a>
        <a [routerLink]="['image-gallery','Vincent']">Vincent</a>
        <a [routerLink]="['image-gallery','Rembrandt']">Rembrandt</a>

The code for the router component is as follows:

export class ImageGalleryComponent {

private artistName: String;
private galleryRoute: ActivatedRoute;
private apiService: ApiService;
private imageList;
private sanitizer: DomSanitizer;

constructor(route: ActivatedRoute, apiService: ApiService, sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {
    this.galleryRoute = route;
    this.apiService = apiService;
    this.imageList = new Array;
    this.sanitizer = sanitizer;

ngOnInit() {
        this.galleryRoute.params.subscribe(params => {
        console.log("Initial image list length");

        this.artistName = params['artistName'];

        let artistName2Send = this.artistName;

        this.apiService.sendAsNonJSON("http://localhost:8080/icreate/getImages", artistName2Send).subscribe(demo => {
            let imageList: String[] = demo;

            var imageListLength = imageList.length;
            var index;
            for (index = 0; index < imageListLength; index++) {
                this.imageList[index] = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(imageList[index] as string);



The app.routing.ts entry for this functionality is:

{ path: 'image-gallery/:artistName', component: ImageGalleryComponent }

When clicking the first menu option, it correctly displays 4 images. However, when clicking on the second menu option, instead of displaying just 1 image, it shows 4 images – the correct one and the previous 3 from the previous selection. How can I ensure that only the newly selected images are displayed and remove any previously shown images? Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Answer №1

A little while back, I encountered a similar issue that stemmed from Angular's component reuse causing URL changes without refreshing the component. After much searching on Stack Overflow, here is how I managed to solve it. You have to subscribe to parameter changes and take action within the subscription.

1) Start by importing ActivatedRoute from @angular/route and Subscription from rxjs

    import { Subscription } from 'rxjs/Rx';
    import { ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router';

    export class YourComponent implements onInit, onDestroy {
    private subscription: Subscription;

2) Within your ngOnInit function, subscribe to parameter changes and implement necessary actions

    ngOnInit() {
     this.subscription = this.activatedRoute.params.subscribe((params) => {
        this.productId = params['id'];
        // Add logic here to trigger the necessary changes
        this.product = this.productService.getProduct(this.productId);


3) Lastly, remember to unsubscribe in ngOnDestroy function

    ngOnDestroy() {

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