Investigate the CSS display property of an element using JavaScript

Can JavaScript be used to determine if an element's CSS display == block or none?

Answer №1

According to sdleihssirhc's explanation below, in cases where the element's display is either inherited or specified by a CSS rule, it becomes necessary to retrieve its computed style:

return window.getComputedStyle(element, null).display;

If the style of elements was declared inline or using JavaScript, you can access the style property to obtain the desired information:


This will output a string value.

Answer №2

If the styling was set inline or through JavaScript, you can easily access the style object:

if( === 'block') {
    return true;

If not, you will need to retrieve the computed style, which may vary across different browsers. Internet Explorer relies on currentStyle, while others use a different method:

return element.currentStyle ? element.currentStyle.display :
                              getComputedStyle(element, null).display;

In older versions of Firefox (3 and below), using null in this function call was necessary.

Answer №3

Is this the correct way to use jQuery?


To verify, you can do it like this:

if($('#element').css('display') === 'none')
    //perform an action
    //do something else

Answer №4

Although this response may not align perfectly with your needs, it could prove beneficial under certain conditions. If you are aware that the element has dimensions when viewed on screen, you can also utilize the following code snippet:

var isHidden = (element.offsetHeight === 0 && element.offsetWidth === 0);

UPDATE: Why opt for this method over a direct examination of the CSS display property? It eliminates the need to inspect all parent elements. If a parent element carries a display: none attribute, its offspring remain concealed even if !== 'none'.

Answer №5


let visibility = document.getElementById('id').style.visibility;

Answer №6

Introduction to JavaScript:

if (document.getElementById("elementId").style.display === 'block') { 
  alert('The element is currently displayed as a block'); 

Answer №7

To determine visibility using vanilla JavaScript, simply check if the display property is set to 'none' (note that it may not necessarily be 'block', it could also be empty or 'inline' and still be considered visible):

var isElementVisible = ( != "none");

If you prefer using jQuery, you can achieve the same result with this code:

var isElementVisible = $":visible");

Answer №8

Recently, I stumbled upon a new method called element.checkVisibility() that seems to be returning false when the CSS property display: none is applied.

Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any official documentation available for this function, leaving me unsure if it is specific to Chrome or not.

Answer №9

If you want to verify it, one option is to use jQuery:


This code will give you a string containing details about the display attribute of that particular element.

Answer №10

If you want to check the visibility of an element using just pure JavaScript, you can utilize the style.display property. Alternatively, with jQuery, you have the option to use $('#id').css('display')

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