Glitches of white light during loading screens on your Prestashop website

There's a strange occurrence on the website where it flashes white DURING (not just at the start) every time a page loads.

Initially, the page seems to load smoothly and almost completely, but then there is a sudden flash before all elements are displayed.

I attempted to use this method to remedy the issue, but now only the background image shows up first, followed by a white flash.

Does anyone know why these flashes are happening and how I can resolve them?

Visit the website. This flashing occurs consistently across all pages of the site.

Answer №1

After some investigation, I managed to solve the issue on my own. It turns out that having the visualwebsiteoptimizer code at the bottom of the body was causing those strange flashes. Moving it to the head resolved the issue.

Sincerely, Petteri

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