What is the best way to target outer elements only using CSS selectors?

Having trouble with a CSS selector:


This selector returns a list of elements, shown in the screenshot linked below:


Each element represents a column in a table with unique content. The first element in this list includes a checkbox:


The goal is to exclude this specific checkbox element from the initial list.

Simply ignoring the first element won't suffice because the checkbox may not always be present. It needs to be excluded based on one of its inner classes.

An attempt that did not work:


Looking for any suggestions or solutions!

Answer №1

Check out this CSS solution:


This particular selector makes use of the :not functional notation along with an attribute selector.

Let's take a look at an illustration:

/* Setting all td elements to be red */
.cv-table-panel-element { background-color: red;}

/* Specifying that td elements without the align="center" attribute should be blue */
.cv-table-panel-element:not([align="center"]) { background-color: aqua; }

td { height: 100px; width: 100px; }
    <td class="cv-table-panel-element"></td>
    <td class="cv-table-panel-element"></td>
    <td class="cv-table-panel-element" align="center"></td>
    <td class="cv-table-panel-element"></td>
    <td class="cv-table-panel-element" align="center"></td>

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