Is it possible to extract a div from a third-party domain and showcase it on my website?

Trying to integrate content from my channel onto my personal website has proven to be quite the challenge. Initially, I attempted to modify an iframe with CSS to display only the schedule information, but encountered limitations due to using 3rd party domains.

Eliminating unwanted elements using inline styles was not a viable option either, as it would still allow audio from the broadcast to play in the background. This led me to experiment with Javascript solutions, only to face the same obstacle of working within an iframe on a different domain.

If anyone has any innovative ideas or suggestions to tackle this issue, I am all ears!

Answer №1

For more information on making XMLHttpRequest requests across different domains, consider looking up "XMLHttpRequest cross domain" on Google or a similar search engine. I've personally utilized XMLHttpRequest in a local setting and found that it allows you to extract specific data easily from the results obtained. From my preliminary research, it appears that implementing a few additional headers may enable this functionality to work seamlessly with external domains.

Answer №2

Consider experimenting with a proxy page hosted on your server.

This method involves fetching the desired information server-side, removing unnecessary elements, and then displaying it on a proxy page that can be accessed through ajax, iframe, or by directly embedding it into the main page.

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