Using CSS and JavaScript to hide a div element

In my one-page website, I have a fixed side navigation bar within a div that is initially hidden using the display:none property.

Is there a way to make this side nav appear when the user scrolls to a specific section of the page, like when reaching the #about div?

Answer №1

To effectively determine if a user has scrolled to or past the div with an id of "about," you first need to capture the current vertical position (Y value) of the div.

// Cache the "about" div
var about = $('#about');
// Store the initial position of the "about" div on window load
var aboutPosition = about.position();

Next, you'll have to calculate how much the user has scrolled. The most efficient method I've found is to use a timer. While you could utilize the scroll event, it can be resource-intensive for the browser and using a timer is typically imperceptible to users.

// Set up a timer to repeatedly check every 10 milliseconds 
// with a callback function to process the logic
var checkScrollPos = window.setInterval("scrollTopLogic()", 10);

function scrollTopLogic() {
    // If the Y position of the "about" div is greater than or equal to 
    // the current window scroll position, take action
    if (aboutPosition.y >= $(window).scrollTop()) {
        // Stop the timer since it's no longer necessary

Answer №2

To display the element, you can monitor the scroll event of the div using the following code snippet:

$("#div").on("scroll", function() {

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