Is it possible to arrange elements in CSS based on their attribute values?

I need to arrange a list of images in ascending order based on the index attribute using CSS. The challenge is that the index values will change dynamically and new images will be added through Ajax, so I want them to automatically update in the correct order without any manual intervention.

.img_container {
  width: 100%;
  border: 2px black solid;

.img_container img {
  margin-bottom: 5px;
  margin-right: 5px;
<div class="img_container">
  <img src="" index="1">
  <img src="" index="10">
  <img src="" index="11">
  <img src="" index="14">
  <img src="" index="2">
  <img src="" index="12">
  <img src="" index="13">
  <img src="" index="3">
  <img src="" index="4">
  <img src="" index="15">
  <img src="" index="5">
  <img src="" index="6">
  <img src="" index="17">
  <img src="" index="7">
  <img src="" index="16">
  <img src="" index="8">
  <img src="" index="18">
  <img src="" index="9">

Is there a simple way to achieve this sorting with CSS?

Answer №1

A purely CSS solution that doesn't require modifying the HTML or adding inline styles is not yet available. It is speculated that in the future, leveraging the attr() function in CSS could potentially achieve this, but as of now, its support is limited when used outside of the content property.

If a more advanced approach is embraced, a prospective solution might resemble the following example. Please note that this method may not be compatible with current browsers. Additionally, utilizing the data- prefix for custom attributes is recommended.

.img_container {
  border: 2px black solid;
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

.img_container img {
  margin: 5px;
  order: attr(data-index); /* compatibility issues in most browsers */
<div class="img_container">
  <img src="" data-index="1">
  <img src="" data-index="10">
  <img src="" data-index="11">
  <img src="" data-index="14">
  <img src="" data-index="2">
  <img src="" data-index="12">
  <img src="" data-index="13">
  <img src="" data-index="3">
  <img src="" data-index="4">
  <img src="" data-index="15">
  <img src="" data-index="5">
  <img src="" data-index="6">
  <img src="" data-index="17">
  <img src="" data-index="7">
  <img src="" data-index="16">
  <img src="" data-index="8">
  <img src="" data-index="18">
  <img src="" data-index="9">

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