css Repaint the CSS by filtering out list items with odd indexes

Having a list of over 20 items, I utilized the :nth-child(2n+1) selector to alternate the background color (even item in black, odd item in white). However, when using the jQuery Isotope plugin to filter out specific items by adding a .isotope-hidden class, it disrupts the original order of the remaining items.

Is there a way to dynamically update the CSS and reapply the :nth-child(2n+1) selector to only those items that do not have the .isotope-hidden class?

I attempted:

#element tr:not(.isotope-hidden):nth-child(2n+1)

But it did not work as expected. Any suggestions or solutions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

Dealing with Nth-child in a subset of a larger group can sometimes be tricky to understand.

To overcome its restrictions, you can employ the .each() method like so:

var counter = 1;
$('#container div:not(.hidden)').each(function(){
    if ( counter++ % 2 === 1 ) $(this).css('background-color','lightgray')

Answer №2

When it comes to CSS selectors, pseudo-classes play a vital role in determining the styling of elements on a webpage. However, it's important to note that pseudo-classes like :not() and the :nth-*() family should not be viewed as filters. Rather, they serve as conditions or descriptors that an element must meet for styles to be applied.

Each simple selector within a sequence does not operate independently but rather collectively. The element must satisfy all specified conditions simultaneously for the styles to take effect. It's misleading to refer to CSS selectors as "filters" due to this nature.

For example, a selector specifying a tr element within #element that is not assigned the class isotope-hidden and is the (2n+1)th child will only apply styles if all these criteria are met concurrently.

It's crucial to understand that CSS selectors do not function by sequentially filtering elements in the manner one might assume. Manipulating styles after applying filters is not feasible with CSS alone. Instead, jQuery's filter methods can be employed to achieve sequential filtering and subsequently apply styles based on the filtered results:

$('#element tr').not('.isotope-hidden').filter(':even');

An alternative approach using jQuery's filter selectors allows for concise selection of elements based on predetermined criteria:

$('#element tr:not(.isotope-hidden):even');

Despite the syntactical similarities between CSS selectors and jQuery filters, it's essential to recognize the fundamental distinctions outlined in various resources for precise usage and understanding of each.

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