What is the best way to target CSS only to elements that do not have a parent with a specific class?

Striving to preserve the existing CSS in the codebase.

.my-new-class {
   .existing-class {
      ...implementing new styles

.existing-class {
    ...maintaining old styles

I attempted a technique that I know won't work and understand why:

.existing-class {
 :not(.my-new-class) & {
    ...keeping old styles

Yet, I'm struggling to determine if there's a feasible way to achieve my goal.

Essentially, I want styles to only be applied if a certain element does not have a parent (anywhere in the tree) with a specific class...or perhaps someone can suggest a better approach?

Appreciate it SO!

Answer №1

Special thanks to @Temani for guiding me towards a new solution. Here is how I resolved my issue in case it helps someone else in the future:

I made adjustments to my HTML code to ensure that .my-new-class was positioned correctly in the ancestor tree (as the second ancestor), allowing me to implement the following CSS:

.my-new-class {
   .existing-class {
      ...applying some new styles

.existing-class {
   &:not(.my-new-class)>*>& {
    ...retaining some old styles

Here is the updated HTML structure:

<div class="existing-class">
   ...displaying the old style

<div class="my-new-class">
    <div class="existing-class">
      ...featuring the new style

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