Finding a jQuery DOM element without using a loop

Can the element in variable d be identified directly instead of looping through each function? Take a look at the DOM below:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <html lang="en">
     <script src="../jquery-ui-1.10.4.custom/js/jquery-1.10.2.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
     <script type="text/javascript">
         $(function() {

         var d = $("img", "#totaldiv");       
             d.each(function() {
                 if ($(this).attr("id") == "imgfour")


<div id="totaldiv">
<img alt="hi image one" id="imgone" src="someimage" />
<img alt="hi image two" id="imgtwo" src="someimage" />
<img alt="hi image three" id="imgthree" src="someimage" />
<img alt="hi image four" id="imgfour" src="someimage" />
<img alt="hi image five" id="imgfive" src="someimage" />

This is just for illustration purposes, my actual HTML structure is dynamic. I want to avoid using $("#totaldiv #imgfour").hide(); (or) $("#totaldiv>#imgfour").hide();

Answer №1

With the image id already assigned, you can easily hide it with just one line of code:


Answer №2

Where should we


Furthermore, what is the reason for choosing id in #totaldiv and then searching for a different id?

Answer №3

When avoiding looping and direct id access, one alternative is utilizing the .filter() method.

var selectedImage = $("img", "#totaldiv").filter("#imgfour");   

Answer №4

1) Assign a class to each img element

 <img alt="hi image one" class='myimage' id="imgone" src="someimage" />
 <img alt="hi image two" class='myimage' id="imgtwo" src="someimage" />
 <img alt="hi image three" class='myimage' id="imgthree" src="someimage" />
 <img alt="hi image four" class='myimage' id="imgfour" src="someimage" />
 <img alt="hi image five" class='myimage' id="imgfive" src="someimage" />

2) Toggle the visibility of all elements with the 'myimage' class, and then display/hide a specific element using its id;


I trust this information proves valuable for you.

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