Looking to implement a CSS effect that will hide content without removing the space it occupies on the page?

Is there a way to hide specific buttons within the right column of a 3-column table display? I am currently utilizing jQuery to achieve this function. The purpose behind hiding these buttons is to prevent any quick clicks that might interfere with the fade animation effect. However, when I hide the buttons, it disrupts the layout by shifting the other columns to the right due to the reduced space occupied. Is there a solution to hide the content of a table cell without affecting the overall structure of the table? Your assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

To maintain the space while hiding the element, you have the option to use either visibility: hidden or opacity:0. To reveal the element again, you can use visibility:visible or opacity:1.

$("#something").on("click", function(e){
     e.preventDefault(); // functioning as expected
     var aID = $(this).attr("templateID"); // working as intended
     $("[templateID]").css("visibility", "hidden"); // successfully hides all buttons
     // additional content here... 

$("#somethingElse").on("click", function(e){
 e.preventDefault(); // functioning as expected
 $("[templateID]").css("visibility", "visible"); // effectively shows all buttons

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