What is the best way to style the first child element that does not contain a specific class?

If I have the following HTML code snippet:

<ul id="some_list">
    <li class="hide">Do Not Target This</li>
    <li class="hide">Do Not Target This</li>
    <li>Target This</li>
    <li>Do Not Target This</li>

Is there a way to select the first child element within a list that does not have the "hide" class? For example:

#some_list>li:not(.hide):first-child {
    color: #777;

Unfortunately, this selector does not produce the desired result.


Answer №1

To target the initial li element that does not contain the .hide class, you can utilize CSS adjacent sibling selector:


li.hide + li:not(.hide) {
    background-color: gold;

Additionally, make sure to verify if the first list item (first child) has the .hide class present.

Answer №2

Here is the solution you need

#some_list>li.hide + li:not(.hide){

    color: #CCC;


Answer №3

To accomplish this task in JavaScript, you could follow these steps:

View the code snippet on JSFiddle

var parentElement = document.getElementById('some_list'),
    childElement = parentElement.getElementsByTagName('li');

childElement[2].style.color = 'blue';

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