Tips for overlaying text on the background in Next.js:

I'm currently working on creating an image element with overlay text. Check out my jsx code below:

<div className={styles.img}>
    <img src={src} alt="" />

And here is the accompanying sass styling:

.img {
    min-width: 180px;
    text-align: center;
    cursor: pointer;
    img {
        height: 90px;
        box-shadow: orangered 0 0 5px;
    p {
        color: white;
        font-weight: bold;
        margin: auto;
        font-size: .8rem;
        margin-top: - 1.6rem;
        // max-width: 120px;
        // z-index: 100;
        background-color: #0070f3;

After implementing this, I encountered an issue where the background of the p tag was only visible outside of the img and not over it. See the result in the following image:

You can also view the live issue here.

How can I adjust the styling to display the background for the overlay text on the image for better readability?

Answer №1

To utilize the z-index property, you must adjust the position from its default value (static). Below is a sample code snippet showcasing the use of position: relative.

background: #0cf;
margin-top: -1.6rem;
z-index: 100;

position: relative;
<img src=""/>
<p>Test without positioning</p>

<img src=""/>
<p class="positioned">Test with positioning</p>

Answer №2

Shoutout to @Devid for the helpful comment!

To elaborate, it's important to include position: relative on the p tag specifically. Adding it to the container div won't have any effect.

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