Surprising Results when Using getBoundingClientRect()

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In my current project, I'm attempting to position the footer div at the bottom of the page in such a way that it aligns with the maximum value of the bottom coordinates of both the menu and content divs (Math.max(menu, content)).

However, when I expand all three menus (causing the menu height to exceed that of the content), this calculation results in a value that is smaller than the actual bottom value of the menu (but larger than the content's bottom value).

I appreciate any assistance or guidance you can provide. Thank you!

Answer №1

Using getBoundingClientRect() can provide positioning relative to the viewport. Keep in mind that this positioning is affected by the current scroll position. To ensure accurate results, make sure to unfold menus without scrolling down first (such as unfolding menu 3 before others).

To obtain the true position relative to the top of the document, consider adding window.scrollY to the bottom values.

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