What is the best way to right-align a flex column in Bootstrap 4 while ensuring they maintain equal height?

Learning the new Flex features in Bootstrap has been quite a journey for me. I must confess that I've had little experience with Flex before, especially since it wasn't well-supported in older versions.

If you're curious, here's a link to my CodePen showcasing what I've been working on:


Essentially, my goal is to make all the columns equal in height while aligning the content at the bottom of each cell.

Here's a snippet of the code I'm currently using:

<div class="btn-group" data-toggle="buttons">
      <label class="btn btn-secondary align-self-end">
        <input type="checkbox" name="foo" class="checkbox" value="1" autocomplete="off" />
      <label class="btn btn-secondary align-self-end">
        <input type="checkbox" name="foo" class="checkbox" value="1" autocomplete="off" />
        foo bar<br>
        foo bar<br>
        foo bar<br>
      <label class="btn btn-secondary align-self-end">
        <input type="checkbox" name="foo" class="checkbox" value="1" autocomplete="off" />
        foo bar<br>
        foo bar<br>
      <label class="btn btn-secondary align-self-end">
        <input type="checkbox" name="foo" class="checkbox" value="1" autocomplete="off" />
        foo bar<br>
        foo bar<br>
        foo bar<br>
        foo bar<br>
      <label class="btn btn-secondary align-self-end">
        <input type="checkbox" name="foo" class="checkbox" value="1" autocomplete="off" />
        foo bar<br>
        foo bar<br>
        foo bar<br>

Despite my efforts, I still haven't been able to achieve uniform row heights as displayed below:


I've experimented with various approaches but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

The Issue

In this scenario, there is a single flex container with the class div.btn-group

There are five flex items within this container, each with the class label.btn

To align these flex items at the bottom of the container, the Bootstrap class align-self-end is applied to each item.

However, using the align-self-end class causes the flex items to no longer stretch to the full height of the container because it overrides the default setting of align-self: stretch.

A Possible Fix

To resolve this, you can try the following:

  1. Remove the align-self-end class from all flex items. This will allow the default stretch behavior to take effect and the items will occupy the full height.

  2. Transform each flex item into a nested flex container.

  3. Apply align-items: flex-end to the new nested container.

By doing this, the main items will retain their full height while aligning the nested content (the actual text or buttons) to the bottom.

In essence, the solution involves removing the Bootstrap align-self-end class and adding the following CSS rule:

.btn {
  display: flex;
  align-items: flex-end;

Alternatively, in Bootstrap code, you can update each label element as follows:

<label class="btn btn-secondary d-flex align-items-end">

Check out the revised codepen here

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