Theming for Atom and Electron developer tools

After switching from the netbeans IDE to github's atom, I realized that some necessary features were missing. Unable to find a suitable package, I decided to try customizing it myself, gaining valuable insight into the editor in the process.

However, one major issue I encountered was the minuscule font size in the 'developer tools' window of atom. Despite attempting to install various CSS themes, including the 'dev tools theme' package for atom, none seemed to take effect. Although I have enabled "Allow custom UI themes," these themes work perfectly fine in the Chrome browser (version 60.0).

I'm wondering if it's possible to inspect the inspector within atom like in chrome, where you can undock the devtools window and press CTL SHIFT I. This would allow me to identify the specific classes that need customization and confirm whether they have been applied correctly.

Also, how can I determine which version of Chrome/Chromium atom is utilizing? It's conceivable that certain features have changed since Google's instructional guides were published.

Lastly, how do I go about manually installing a devtools theme into atom?

If you're facing similar challenges, check out this related question, which offers a solution that works in the browser but not in atom.

Answer №1

Although I don't typically enjoy answering my own questions, I wanted to share this helpful information for anyone facing similar issues.

If you need to inspect the devTools window in Atom, there are three key steps to follow:

  1. To begin, launch atom via electron by executing the command
    electron --remote-debugging-port=9222 /usr/lib/atom
    . The port number can vary, and the file paths might differ based on your operating system.
  2. Once Atom opens, toggle the developer tools window and undock it for easier access.
  3. Next, open a separate chrome (or possibly chromium) browser and go to chrome://inspect. Here, you should find 2 or 3 'Remote Target' entries. Clicking inspect will link the browser's devTools window to Atom.

When it comes to installing a theme, start by locating a suitable chrome extension. Test it in your browser before adding it to Atom. Personally, I recommend using Devtools Author, which offers various built-in themes and includes an easy font-size adjustment feature.

To proceed with installation, adhere to these instructions:

  1. Download and extract/build the sources. Store them in a designated location like ~/atom/devTools for organization. If utilizing the aforementioned package, install the required npm dependencies and execute grunt.
  2. In Atom, toggle the developer tools window and navigate to 'Settings -> Experiments -> Allow Custom UI Themes'. Ensure that the default dark theme is disabled as well.
  3. In the devTools window, access the 'console' tab and input the command
    . A successful execution will display the theme name, or undefined if any issues arise.
  4. Relaunch the devTools window to witness the theme in action. It will persist even after closing/opening the main window and system reboots.

If you opt for the specified theme, it will introduce an 'Author Settings' tab in devTools where you can customize the theme and adjust the font size.

To remove the theme, utilize the command

require('remote').require('browser-window').removeDevToolsExtension('theme name')
. To view available theme names, run

Regarding my inquiry about the version of chrome being utilized, unfortunately, I have yet to resolve that specific issue.

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