Toggle the active class on the parent element when it is clicked

I'm encountering a problem with my JavaScript - attempting to make this function properly.

Firstly, here is the desired functionality:

1.) Add or remove the 'active' class from the parent element when clicked

2.) When clicking inside the child element, it closes - I need assistance in preventing that behavior... I want the child element to remain open if any clicks occur within it...

3.) Is there a way to enable closing the child element by clicking anywhere on the page, rather than only being able to close it by clicking on the parent element?


$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#logsterIn_profile").click(function () {

To view the current implementation, check out DEMO ON FIDDLE

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Here is the solution for all three points:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $("html").click(function () {
   $(".logsterIn_profile").click(function( event ) {
  1. Utilize toggleClass to switch between "active" and ""

  2. Implement stopPropagation on the child element to handle the click event on it, preventing it from propagating up to its parent

  3. To enable clicking anywhere on the page to open/close the child, associate the click event with "html"

Answer №2

Would you like the div to both open and close when the user clicks outside the parent div, or just close?

Based on your explanation, it seems like you only want the div to close without opening if the user clicks outside. If that's the case, you'll need to check whether the child is currently open or closed when the user clicks outside the parent element. You can achieve this with the following code:

$(document).ready(function () {

    $("html").click(function(e) {
        if ( == document.getElementById("logsterIn_profile")){

    $(".logsterIn_profile").click(function( event ) {


You can test it out on this fiddle

Answer №3

When the document is ready, the function will be executed to toggle a class and slide for a profile section.
The profile section will toggle its visibility when clicked on with a smooth animation.
Click events are also bound to prevent propagation and handle toggling class and sliding.

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