CSS Image Placement

If I have an image with a width of 2000px, where the snazzy design aspect is located about 600px in and spans about 900px. My goal is to use this image as the background for a website, ensuring that the snazzy design remains centered even when stretching the browser window to reveal the entire image. How can I achieve this effect without placing the snazzy part on its own layer above the background?

Appreciate your help!

Answer №1

To ensure the background image is centered, adjust the background-position attribute in the CSS:

background-position: top center;

Answer №2

In addition to Guffa's response, you have the option to utilize percentage and pixel measurements for positioning your background image:

/* Vertically centered, 200px below the top of the webpage */
background-position: 50% 200px;

/* Positioned 30px from the left edge, shifted up beyond the top by -10px */
background-position: 30px -10px;

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