Ways to select the element based on a specific CSS property value in the inline style

As a novice in the world of Javascript, I am currently attempting to select an element within an array of images where the opacity is set to 1. Could someone please guide me on how to achieve this? I've tried using hasAttribute, but I'm unsure how to compare it with ==1 as it's yielding unexpected results.

<ul id="fullscreenImagesList">
    <li><span class="fullscrnImgs"></span></li>
    <li><span class="fullscrnImgs" style="opacity: 1;"></span></li>
    <li><span class="fullscrnImgs"></span></li>
    <li><span class="fullscrnImgs"></span></li>
    <li><span class="fullscrnImgs"></span></li>

Now let's take a look at the JavaScript snippet:

var bigImages = [].slice.call(document.getElementsByClassName("fullscrnImgs"));
for (var i = 0; i < bigImages.length; i++) {
    var opac = bigImages[i].getAttribute("opacity");

Answer №1

If you are specifically searching for the opacity property within the inline style attribute of an element, as demonstrated in your example, then


is the solution.

The complete code snippet is:

var bigImages = document.getElementsByClassName("fullscrnImgs");
for (var i = 0; i < bigImages.length; i++) {
    var opac = bigImages[i].style.opacity;

However, keep in mind that opacity is a CSS property that can be defined in various ways; aside from being part of the inline style attribute, it can also be set through the CSS cascade. The most reliable method to determine the actual opacity applied to an element is by using getComputedStyle:

var opac = window.ComputedStyle(bigImages[i]).opacity;

Answer №2

using jQuery:

let visibleImage = $('img[opacity="1"]');

Answer №3

When working with an element, it is recommended to utilize the getAttribute method

var transparency = imageElement.getAttribute("transparency");

[UPDATE] Make sure to verify if the variable has been defined. You can implement something like this

if (typeof transparency === 'undefined') {
    //transparency is defined

[UPDATE 2] If you are interested in the css style, consider using window.getComputedStyle()

var styling = window.getComputedStyle(imageElement);
var transparency = styling.getPropertyValue("opacity");

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