Displaying a background image in Laravel using the storage directory

Can anyone offer some guidance on how to load a background image from storage? I have tried using the following code with normal img src, but it doesn't seem to work with background images.

background-image: url({{ Storage::get("{$post->image}") }});

background-image: url({{ Storage::url("{$post->image}") }});

Answer №1

Resolved the issue with this solution.

background-image: url('{{ Storage::url($post->image) }}');

background-image: url('{{ Storage::url("{$post->image}") }}');

Confirmed that both methods are effective.

Answer №2

To properly use a background image with a URL, make sure to enclose the characters in quotes within the url function and eliminate any brackets within the get method:

background-image: url('{{ Storage::url($post->image) }}');

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