Bring in an SVG element from a separate document while retaining the CSS <style> details from the original source

Creating a number of SVG files can be made easier by keeping common symbols in one file and importing them into others.

An effective method for achieving this is using the <use> element:

<use href="common.svg#symbol1" />

However, there may be an issue if the `common.svg` file contains CSS styles that impact an element, as these styles may not carry over to the imported files.

To illustrate this problem, two SVGs have been uploaded on

This file defines a circle with id ball which is styled with a red border.

<svg width="100" height="100" version="1.1" xmlns="">
    <style>#ball { stroke:#ff0000; stroke-width:10; }</style>
    <circle id="ball" cx="50" cy="50" r="45" />

In this file, the circle from the previous SVG is used. However, the border does not appear.

<svg width="100" height="100" version="1.1" xmlns="">
    <use href="bYv.svg#ball" />


  1. Could this discrepancy in rendering be a bug in the SVG renderer or is it functioning as designed?

    All tested renderers (Chrome, Firefox, Inkscape) produce the same result, indicating that this behavior may be intentional.

  2. Is there any known way to import an element from an external SVG file along with its associated CSS styles, ensuring it retains its appearance from the original document?

Answer №1

  1. Could this be a glitch in the SVG renderer I am using or is it operating as expected?

It is working as intended. CSS rules do not extend across different documents. When you import the SVG into your main document, the CSS from another document will not apply.

  1. Is there a method to import an element from an external SVG file along with its associated CSS styles...

No, it is not possible directly.

However, if needed, you could potentially write some JavaScript code to load the external file and extract the CSS rules. Yet, this may not be the most practical solution.

Your SVG "sprite document" should ideally avoid containing CSS rules within a <style> tag.

The recommended approach is to prepare your SVGs as sprites beforehand.

A suggestion would be to import your common.svg file into a vector editor and convert all CSS attributes into presentation attributes. For instance, programs like Illustrator offer options for styling when exporting an SVG.

To illustrate, the desired outcome would transform code like:

    .st0 {
      fill: red;

  <symbol id="whatever">
    <path d="..." class="st0"/>


  <symbol id="whatever">
    <path d="..." fill="red"/>

Answer №2

Based on the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2 specification outlined in the W3C Editor’s Draft dated June 8, 2021, it appears that the style of the original document should be retained when an element is imported.

Section 5.5 of the 'use' element states:

The copied content inherits styles from the 'use' element and can trigger user events. Despite this, these duplicated element instances stay connected to the referenced source and reflect changes made to the original DOM. Furthermore, all style rules applicable within the scope of the referenced element are also valid within the cloned shadow tree.

Moreover, Section 5.5.3 regarding Style Scoping and Inheritance explains:

The use-element shadow tree, like other shadow trees, exhibits style encapsulation following the guidelines of the CSS Scoping module. This implies that elements within the shadow tree inherit styles from their host 'use' element, while external style rules defined in the main document do not affect elements within the shadow tree. Instead, the shadow tree maintains its distinct list of stylesheets, with CSS rules directly impacting elements within the shadow tree.

When the referenced element originates from an external document, the stylesheet objects created during the processing of that document govern the shadow tree, remaining immutable. All references in the stylesheet, including fragment-only ones, must be absolute relative to the URL of the document containing the referenced element. Web browsers may reuse the same stylesheet objects for any shadow trees referencing the identical external document.

It seems that certain browsers and SVG renderers I have tested are not adhering strictly to the established standard.

I am actively exploring methods to replicate this functionality within existing SVG user agents.

Answer №3

As long as your svg asset code is embedded within the document itself, your styles will be applied.

<svg style="display:none" class="svg-asset" width="100" height="100" version="1.1" xmlns="">
    #inline-ball { stroke:#ff0000; stroke-width:10; }
    <circle id="inline-ball" cx="50" cy="50" r="45" />

<svg width="100" height="100" version="1.1" xmlns="">
    <use xlink:href="#inline-ball" />

If you'd rather not inline svg code, utilizing "fragment identifiers" could be a better approach for embedding.

This concept is similar to creating a sprite sheet where image assets are positioned with offsets on a single pane instead of overlapping symbols.

You can read more about this technique on How SVG Fragment Identifiers Work

Your svg format would resemble something like this:

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 32 96" >
    <g id="icon01">
        <path d="M20.6,23.3L14,16.7V7.9h4v7.2l5.4,5.4L20.6,23.3z M16-0.1c-8.8,0-16,7.2-16,16s7.2,16,16,16s16-7.2,16-16S24.8-0.1,16-0.1z  M16,27.9c-6.6,0-12-5.4-12-12s5.4-12,12-12s12,5.4,12,12S22.6,27.9,16,27.9z"/>
    <g id="icon02">
        <path d="M32,43.2c0,2.7-1.2,5.1-3,6.8l0,0l-10,10c-1,1-2,2-3,2s-2-1-3-2l-10-10c-1.9-1.7-3-4.1-3-6.8c0-5.1,4.1-9.2,9.2-9.2c2.7,0,5.1,1.2,6.8,3c1.7-1.9,4.1-3,6.8-3C27.9,33.9,32,38.1,32,43.2z"/>
    <view id="icon-clock-view" viewBox="0 0 32 32" />
    <view id="icon-heart-view" viewBox="0 32 32 32" />

For implementing fragment identifiers, we need to define <view> elements with specific coordinates from the sprite sheet (defined in viewBox attribute).

When embedding in html, simply add the target ID to the src url.

<img class="svg-fragment" src="fragment-ready-1.svg#icon-heart-view">

Although inlining svg graphics in the html provides superior styling control, it's still possible to style remotely embedded svg assets using css files.

We may anticipate additional support for styling external svg assets in the future, but for now, some browser quirks may exist.

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