Adjusting image alignment and formatting long text with CSS in Firefox

I'm attempting to float an image and text within a paragraph, but encountering an issue when the text is long and in one line. The display appears fine in Chrome, but not in Mozilla Firefox. You can view the problem here:

In Chrome, it looks like this:

And in FireFox:

Can anyone provide guidance on how to correct this issue? Appreciate any assistance.

Answer №1

Encountered a silly test data mistake recently. In cases where Firefox (and possibly other browsers) cannot find a logical word break, it does not wrap the text and keeps it on a single line. To address this, add spaces to your lengthy test text and remove white-space: pre from your paragraph.

body p {
    word-wrap: break-word;

Answer №2

Have you attempted to utilize the following CSS properties:

word-wrap: break-word;
width: 500px;

Make sure to adjust the width value based on the specific word length that you want to wrap;

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