Clicking on the images will display full page versions

Apologies for not making an attempt just yet, but I'm struggling to locate what I need. Here's the menu structure in question:

<div class="overlay-navigation">
    <nav role="navigation">
        <ul class="test">
                <a href="#" data-content=""></a>
            <li><a href="#three" class="scrollTo" data-content="">tutorials</li>
            <li><a href="" target="_blank" data-content="">my creations</a>
            <li><a href="#four" class="scroll" data-content="">contact</a>
                <a href="#" data-content=""></a>

On selecting "my creations," I envision a straightforward full-screen image carousel, gallery, or flexbox appearing (whichever seems more favorable) with easy-to-close functionality. I'd be grateful for any code snippets you can provide so I can personalize it according to my preferences – I intend to incorporate only about four images.

Answer №2

You may find that using Magnific Popup or a lightbox can be very useful in this situation.

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