Intersection Observer API is not compatible with the functionality of the navigation bar

Having trouble with the Intersection Observer API. Attempting to use it to show a nav-bar with a white background fixed to the viewport once it scrolls out of view.

Initially tested using console.log('visible') successfully to determine visibility, but ran into issues when applying a new class upon invisibility. The page went haywire, constantly toggling classes and displaying "visible" and "not visible".

Suspect the issue may be related to changes in rootMargin when applying the class, but unsure how to resolve it.

Code for my entire website can be found here:

PS: Only responsible for app.js, HTML and CSS are from FreeCodeCamp. PS: Apologies for the link, unable to share code with backticks here ^^ Make sure to view the site on a larger screen to see the issue more clearly.

Appreciate any assistance, thank you!

Answer №1

In your scenario, you don't actually need to utilize the Intersection Observer. Instead, all you have to do is assign a class to your header when the window is scrolled past a specific height. This height would likely be equivalent to the height of your header element. Therefore, whenever the window scroll height exceeds the header height, apply the designated class, otherwise, remove it. Make sure to invoke the same function on document.ready as well (to ascertain the window scroll position during page load if already scrolled).

Here's a simple script that can guide you:

$(window).scroll(function() {
    var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
    // Assuming the header height is 100px
    if (scroll >= 100) {
    } else {

function addScrolledClassToHeader() {

function removeScrolledClassToHeader() {

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