What is the best way to remove unnecessary scrollbars from a material dialog that includes a radio-group?

Check out this Stackblitz demo that showcases a dialog with a radio group inside the mat-dialog-content div.
Notice how the dialog-content displays an unsightly scrollbar:

This issue doesn't occur with other components, like input fields, for example.

By inspecting with chrome dev-tools, it's evident that the mat-radio-buttons have a height of 20px:

On the contrary, the mat-radio-group has a height of only 17px:
Could this be a bug within the angular material components (current version being 12.0.4), or is there a simple CSS workaround to eliminate the scrollbar?

Attempts to manually set the height on the mat-radio-group have proven ineffective.

Additional Details:

  • When it comes to production, we frequently utilize dialogs, some of which are extensive and require scrollbars.
  • We're in need of a universal solution or workaround for the application.
  • Making the scrollbars invisible is not an option; they must remain set to auto to allow for dynamic changes to dialog size (such as device rotation, dynamic display of items, etc.)

Answer №1

After some brainstorming, we devised a clever solution that resolves the issue across all 30+ of our dialog boxes.

The beauty of this fix is that we only need to make a single adjustment in our styles.scss file:

.mat-dialog-content {
  padding-bottom: 10px !important;

By simply adding some padding to the bottom of the dialog content area, the scrollbars: auto feature now functions correctly in all our dialogs, regardless of size. This means that as you resize the browser window, the scrollbar will appear and disappear automatically.

This solution even works seamlessly with multiple instances of mat-radio-group within a single dialog.
The slight extra space between the content and the dialog actions is a compromise we are willing to make for better user interface functionality.

Check out a Stackblitz example showcasing this workaround

Answer №2

The occurrence of this phenomenon can be attributed to the ripple effect on the radio button, which increases its size and triggers the appearance of the scrollbar. For further information, please refer to https://github.com/angular/components/issues/20344

Various solutions exist to address this issue, such as applying padding or margins to the components or the dialog content itself, as demonstrated in your approach. The crucial point is to ensure that enough space is included to accommodate the ripple effect.

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