Need help modifying a UseStatus to target an axios post response efficiently?

Hey there, back again with a head-scratcher I've been dealing with all day.

Almost done with a contact form, just stuck on an animation concept that involves three steps:

1. Prompting the user to contact

2. Making the waiting process user-friendly with a small loader

3. Displaying either a success message or an error message after form submission

My idea to achieve this involves using three different icons/loaders stacked on top of each other, toggling their visibility with UseState based on the step.

I can currently hide the initial icon as soon as the submit button is clicked, but struggling to show the loader during the API response and the final icon at the end.

Any suggestions on a different approach I should take?

      (Code snippet provided with styled components, form handling, and icon loaders)

Appreciate the help as always!

Answer №1

If you want to facilitate communication between states, follow these steps:

1-Create individual states for each element that needs to switch states:

const [email, setEmail] = useState(true);
const [approval, setApproval] = useState(false);

2- Define a main function that includes smaller functions to handle state changes:

function showEmail(){
return setApproval(true);

// Switch from email icon to approval icon
function showApproval(){
return setEmail(false);

Add an event listener to the specific element that triggers the changes, and call the functions within it:

<button type="submit" id="submit" onClick={() => {showEmail(); showApproval();}}>

Use a ternary expression to render elements based on the state:

{email ? <RiMailSendFill/> : null}
{approval ? <FcApproval/> : null}

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