Issue with animating multi-column layout in Chrome causing display problems

I'm currently utilizing jQuery to create an animated multi-column layout that extends off the screen horizontally. I have implemented two controllers - one red and one blue - to navigate back and forth within the layout. Strangely enough, while the animation functions smoothly in Firefox and Safari, Chrome presents issues with text duplication and overall distortion.

If you'd like to view an example, check out this link: Additionally, here's a screenshot illustrating the problem as seen in my version of Chrome:

If anyone has any insights on why this occurs and possible solutions to rectify it, your input would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Answer №1

After receiving no responses to my question and finding a lack of knowledge on the subject, I decided to consult with Paul Irish from the Google Chrome Developer Tools team for help. He confirmed that the bug has been resolved in version 12.x of Chrome, although this release is still 6 weeks away from being stable. This information will be helpful for anyone facing the same issue.

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